Video/Post Rules
For Videos
Let’s follow some standards to make the site more organized
- Observations
FEATURED IMAGE is required you can use the “automatic generator” (if it doesn’t work at first try again by going to your video and clicking to edit)
Private videos will be public within 7 days
Videos that are unrelated to the site’s proposal will be deleted.
Videos with under 18s, gore or videos that are not intended for rule 34 will be banned
- Titles
Always rename the video, videos with file name will be deleted
“UPPER CASE” or “Capitalized Case” only
In case of videos in 4k Put at the end of the title “[4k]”
Artist credits is optional, but if you put “[artist name]” at the end or beginning of the title
- Description
Credits to the artist/creator must have the name in the description (links to social networks are optional)
You are free to put anything in the description except offensive words and bad or scam links.
- Categories
Choose whether the animation is 2D or 3D and if it is in 4K you can select that too. never choose fetuared option
- Tags
Whenever possible add the name of the artist in the tag or title/description
Whenever possible, place the tags correctly with the name of the character (if the tag with the character’s name already exists, choose it so as not to have duplicates)
For Posts
Some rules for your post to be approved on the blog
Any posting is allowed within the RULE 34 category
- Unique text and images
host images at /
When adding an image change the editor to visual > text and add this line with your image url
- Unique text and images
<img src="">
- Image gallery
Upload all images to a site that hosts images
Example: /
and send me the image bank link, with all the images in a single link
- Image gallery
So I can analyze the images and update your post with a gallery.
Embed/video links are allowed but avoid competing sites
I recommend uploading here and posting the link.
- Self Promotion is only allowed if you are an nsfw artist
- No troll links
- Download links with virus will be banned via IPF